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The best way to stay on top of the health of our pets is to watch what come out. As our canine and feline companions can not tell us when they have an upset stomach, or generally not feeling well, it is up to us to watch out for any signs.

A good way to start is by knowing what a normal poop looks like. This is important so that you will be immediately aware of any changes in frequency , consistency , size, colour or smell. It is important to inspect fresh poop, as raw fed poop can change colour/consistency quickly after it's passed

A healthy raw fed dog or cat , tends to produce significantly less poop that is also smaller than kibble fed, it's firm and significantly less stinky. Dogs and cats eating a high mineral raw food diet will produce poo that turns a much lighter color within 24 hours and disintegrates very quickly.


White meat produce lighter poo. Red meat and organs produce darker poo

Dog eating raw foods that could be too high in calcium or bone pass white, chalky faeces, and many suffer from constipation. Alterations to the cat or dog 's diet is required. Also, Dogs and cats eating a high mineral raw food diet will produce poo that turns a much lighter color within 24 hours and disintegrates very quickly. This can be a normal appearance of a poop after 24hours

A soft stool with no visible blood or mucous might indelicate either a dietary change or indiscriminate eating. However, it can also signal the presence of an intestinal parasite such as giardia. If you are concerned with any changes in your cat or dog's poop, then feel free to ask in the group as there are different solution to different cases , and most of us have come across most of them. If then the problem doesn't clear up in a day or so, then it's recommended to seek veterinary advice.

A greasy - looking grey stool can be a sign of too much fat in your dog's diet, which can trigger pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas that can range from very mild to life threating. Alterations to the dog's diet is required. if not cleared in a day so then seek for veterinary advice

The most obvious symptom of a health problem in cats and dogs is diarrhea, which has several characteristics that vary depending on the cause. There are several potential causes of diarrhea in cats dogs , ranging from a change in diet to cancer.

Watery diarrhea can be a sign of stress or a viral (e.g., parvovirus) or parasitic infection and can lead very quickly to dehydration , especially in kittens and puppies. If not cleared in 24hrs , seek veterinary advice.

A black, tarry stool typically indicates the presence of old blood somewhere in the cat or dog's digestive system. It can be a sign of injury to the GI tract from indiscriminate eating, and it can be also a sign of a every serious disease such as cancer. Seek for veterinary advice. However, keep in mind that an overload of organs can cause a similar result. Poop from too much organs is very dark in colour , very loose and very stinky

Small traces of blood in poop after training is not unusual. Ask in group for methods to soften poop. THis should clear in a day or two. Firm, soft, or runny poop containing blood or blood clots is almost always a sign serious health problems requiring immediately attention. Fresh blood indicates current bleeding, typically from the large intestine or the anus or anal glands. There are couple be a perforation if the intestinal wall from something the dog or cat digested, or from the eruption of a tumor or ulcer. Seek for veterinary advice

A soft stool containing or coated with mucous may indicate the presence of parvovirus or parasites. This can also simply be a sign of detoxification where the body is protecting the digestive tract as a result of a new raw diet.

Also, a soft or watery stool with visible worms , eggs, or other uninvited guests is a clear indication of a parasite infestation . Any indication of parasites, or virus should be assessed by a veterinarian

When is to call the vet?

Most healthy cats & dogs experience an occasional episode of loos stool or diarrhea that resolves within 12 or 24hrs. The underlying issue in most of these cases is indiscriminate eating or stress. However, any cat or dog has the potential to become very ill from chronic bouts of diarrhea

If your cat or dog seems fine after a bout of diarrhea - meaning she's acting normal ,with normal energy - it's safe to simply keep an eye on her to insure her stool returns to normal within a day or so.

But if you notice she's also sluggish, running a fever or feels warm to the touch, or there 's a change in her behavior, you should contact your veterinarian

If you see blood in your pet's stool or she's weak or shows other signs of debilitation along with the diarrhea, you should make an appointment with the vet

If your dogs or cats seems fine but is experiencing recurrent bouts of diarrhea, it's time for a check-up.

It's important to bring a sample of your pet’s stool to your appointment even if it's watery. Use a plastic baggie and shovel a bit in there to take with you. This will help your vet identify potential underlying causes for the diarrhea


Normal Poop

Firm and defined shape with consistent color throughout. Pets fed with white meat tend to have lighter color stools, whereas pet fed darker meat will have darker stools

Pets eating a high mineral raw food diet will produce stool that turns much lighter color within 24 hours and disintegrates quickly

Soft poop

Soft stools generally lack firmness and defined shape, although color should stay consistent

Causes may be due to dietary changes, indiscriminate eating or internal parasites. Of dietary change is the cause, soft stool should last no longer than a few days but varies per pet. Seek veterinary assistance if it persists longer than 7 days

Mucousy / Greasy poop

Greasy stools or stools that contain mucous can be a sign of too much fat in your pet's diet

This may lead to pancreatitis as a result of inflammation of the pancreas that ranges from very mild to life threatening.

Bloody Poop

Bloody stool is a result from a gastrointestinal upset or injury. Typically, bright red blood indicates issues within the lower intestines, whereas darker blood indicates issues further upward in the GI tract.

Blood in stool should be monitored closely . Consult a veterinarian if it persists longer than one day and immediately if dark blood present

White + Chalky Poop

Pets being fed foods with high bone (calcium) intake will pass white and chalky stool when fresh

Although it is recommended to stay within our RAW guidelines of 10% bone (Calcium) content, some pets may require more or less to satisfy their individual needs. If the stool is chalky and white, you may need to reduce your pet's bone (calcium) intake

Acute Diarrhea

Pets that exhibit diarrhea in this form is much more commonly seen when healing, detoxing, etc..

When pets have diarrhea and it stops after a couple of days, it is considered to not disease-related. If it persists longer than 3-4days, consult veterinary help

Do not be afraid to scrutinize, double-check every time your pet "solved", consider yourself doing a job of an expert ...
And most of all, love with a pet too big will overwhelm the inherent odor and "disgust" of the feces.

Your best friend deserves the correct diet. Get your free sample! Click Here

Natural is always better.

For thousands of years nature has chosen Raw Food as the diet for ancestors of dogs and cats. But this does not mean that you have to hunt prey for your best buddies.

Buddy Raw Pet Food for dogs and cats is a mix of meat, bones and organs designed to simulate what they eat in the wild. Know more

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