Myth: My pet will get salmonella from raw meat.
Salmonella can only survive in higher pH conditions (4-8+) and requires at least 12 hours to reach incubation.
The hydrochloric acid in a carnivore’s stomach is a protective enzyme against pathogens. Their stomach is highly acidic (about a pH 1) while their digestive system is short and lacks complexity.
Bacteria is killed when ingested and passed within 4-6 hours as waste. Since the time to complete digestion is very short, the bacteria does not stay in the body for long.
When your pet eats RAW and has diarrhea, you will immediately think about Salmonella infection;but in fact, diarrhea can be caused by many different causes, and Salmonella infection has been, and can be happend with dry food products.
Myth: Feeding cooked meat is better than raw.
Cooked meat lacks many benefits of raw meat and can be deficient in essential nutrients because the very act of cooking destroys or alters proteins, vitamins, fats, and minerals.
Therefore, cooking food makes some nutrients less available and others more available. Lightly steaming vegetables is an exception, but it is recommended to puree raw vegetables instead.
Because Nature Is Best and RAW is the Foundation Made by Nature