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Puppies naturally wean at around 8-12 weeks of age.

Anyone who advises that "a puppy is weak and incomplete digestive system is prone to digestive disorders therefore the food should be specialist for puppy , only milk, kibble or cooked food " are completely wrong.

The dog's body and digestive system are made to eat meat and bones. It is the living biology of the breed of cats and dogs. So why is it so dangerous that they only eat the right food for them?

RAW food is full of all the nutrients in the ingredients that are extremely good for puppies, unlike cooked food that has lost most of its nutrition due to heat and comercial foods that only include additional chemicals . It is at the very young age that puppies need more and more nutrients to overcome the weak stage of life, develop healthy and live a long life.

When domesticated and lived with humans for too long, cats and dogs have evolved to adapt by eating everything humans eat, resulting in even puppies from the time they were born, they are trained to eat the way that humans want.

That's why many people argue that dogs are omnivores, not just carnivores. Yes, they become omnivores to survive in our world, where we decide to feed them whatever we want, because if they don't eat then there is only way to die of starvation and extinction.

But one thing that never changes is their digestive system; remains the digestive system of carnivorous species. Therefore, RAW FEEDING is for our 4-legged friends to live according to instinct and follow natural mother.

Dogs have a strong jaw structure to chew bones, stomach acid is strong enough to neutralize bacteria in raw meat, and a short digestive tract helps digestion - absorption and elimination occur quickly. The bacteria do not have enough time to accumulate and penetrate the dog's organs.

The proper feeding for puppies is actually right in the mother's pregnancy. Pregnancy is when the mother needs a RAW diet. There is absolutely no real biologically appropriate substitute for this time. Puppies that are born from a mother dog follow a RAW diet, will be healthier, develop more fully and live longer.

When you bring home a new puppy that has never been eaten raw, it may be a little harder to get started. Do not hesitate or be afraid. Just following the instructions will avoid the risk of digestive disorders when your puppy moves from commercial food to RAW food.

When can you start feeding your baby RAW?

Puppies should be started at about 3 to 4 weeks of age, of course, at this stage the puppy will still breastfeed. The best meats to start with are white, FRESH, and boneless meats, such as chicken and fish.

By 4 to 5 weeks of age, they can be transferred to red meat groups (beef, pork, organ meat) and must have pureed bones in each serving. For puppies, it is recommended to feed 4 times per day at the beginning, gradually reducing the number of meals as they grow up (adult dogs can eat twice daily)


Raw feeding older puppies is easy, simply feed them in the same way as adult dogs (5:1:1) but with a little more fat. That is 5 parts mince types with some bone (10-12%) in it, 1 part fresh organ additions (liver, heart, kidney, spleen) and 1 part veg . When feeding puppies I tend to add a good pinch of cheap fatty beef mince to the “normal” dog mix. You can pick up cheap beef mince from your local butchers or try the half-priced, there’s always bargains to be had. Perhaps a raw egg now and again (puppy building rocket fuel) and some cod liver oil. Easy as that. Vary it up each time you make your mix, use different meats, different organs etc.

You can follow the complete raw ingredients if those are available from your area, if not, it’s ok with what ever available as long as it’s FREAH & RAW.

Eggs (include shell)

Green tripe (stomach of herbivore)

Fish oil

Beef or lamb ribs with plenty of meat on them

White fish

Chicken backs, necks, wings and feet

Pigs trotters

Kidney, heart, lungs (of cow, pig, sheep)

Liver (tiny quantities)

Eggs make a great raw food for puppies. Some dogs will eat the shell too, which is fine. You may have to whisk the egg slightly the first few times you feed, to get the puppy started.


An 8wk old puppy will eat 10% of his body weight per day in fresh food! This drops to 5% by 6mths of age and 3% by 12mths of age.



At 3-4 weeks when the puppy is still breastfeeding, start getting the pup to get used to RAW food.

- Do it step by step. Do not include too many type of meat with the mentally if he/she refuses to eat one dish then you will change another. Many new foods at the same time can upset the puppy's stomach and make the situation worse.

Among all meats, chicken is generally well tolerated by dogs. Offer very small amounts at the first meal, and if all goes well, increase little by little the next time. After a few days when the dog is familiar and stable with fresh food, we add other types such as eggs, vegetables, stomach….

The rule is: small amount at first, increasing at each subsequent meal

By making a gradual transition, your dog's stomach and digestive system will get used to a new and stable way of eating


If your puppy is following a dry or cooked diet, after learning about a RAW diet and you want to switch but you afraid of side effects. What you're worried about is right, but as long as you follow the right method, there's nothing to worry about.

- Do not mix industrial food and RAW food, it will lead to harmful effects and side effects on digestion. And when that happens, you immediately blame the RAW diet, for the RAW food that you just added to your dog's daily industrial diet.

That's not right.

The truth is this:

- Having 2 different types of food with 2 different digestive processes also causes digestive disorders, causing discomfort in the puppy's stomach.

Starch food requires different pH in the gut to digest, so if the pH in the stomach is not for digesting meat but starch, it is easy for the puppy to be infected with bacteria from raw meat although the biological structure in their digestive system is capable of handling bacteria.

But once you add RAW Meat to artificial foods,RAW meat will stay in their digestive tract longer. Normally with Raw diet, their body can easily digest the meat that they just ate, fully absorbing the nutrients right away then discharged to the waste including the bacteria.

So when the combination of Raw and kibble happens that will cause the longer the meat stay in the digestive system together (because artificial foods will make the dog's digestive system work harder to digest) the more opportunities for harmful bacteria to accumulate and invade enter the organs

Keep feeding the current food during the transition, but reduce the amount of that food. A few hours later, let the dog taste the RAW in very small amounts as mentioned above. And so on, reduce old foods and increase RAW food every meal apart.


If your puppy 's poop shows signs of a softer texture than usual, don't worry, his digestive system is only recording and adjusting to the new food, continue to keep him as what you are doing

If the stool is too loose as waterly and vomiting, pause it until it is okay to continue. If this is more likely, please consult with the veterinary.

Remember, a healthy dog ​​will not die from starvation for even a day or a few days, but it will only less active and be thinner.


Chicken is a good source of protein, cheap and most familiar to dogs and cats, and the meat is soft and juicy, suitable for the puppy's chewing ability. Start with raw chicken and boid vegetables for 1 week, if there is no serious digestive problem like loose stools or vomiting, continue switching to other meats like pork and beef.

Meat should make up about 35% to 50% of the diet


This is pretty easy to do. Usually the head and neck of poultry and poultry have both meat and bone, the bone is softer than the types of pork, beef ... Just include this part about a quarter of puppies, you can rest assured that puppies are provided enough calcium and phosphorus.

Did you know that in puppies, calcium in powder or added form in foods is almost impossible to excrete excess amounts from the body, thereby leading to excess calcium from the industrial diet. is from the FRESH diet

We do not recommend calcium supplements because they have a lot of calcium in the bones they eat. As long as there is less cartilage or fresh bone in the natural RAW diet, they will be fine

Start feeding pureed bone mixed with meat and vegetables so it will ensure dog safety, avoid the risk of bone fractures, perforation of the gastrointestinal tract ...

Occasionally, give a puppy a large bone with little meat left to chew, which will help train the jaw muscles, stimulate teeth growth and stimulate the production of neuropathy.

Meat and bones can make up 50% to 65% of the RAW diet

4. Feed three times a day

Puppies should eat three small meals a day until about six months of age, they can be eaten twice a day and finally once a day if you like. However, one meal a day is not recommended because even if they get enough nutrition from a meal for the whole day, they will still look for something to put in their mouth. Because they live with humans, they gradually become like us in this way.

Feed 2-3% of the body weight when the puppy is mature

At 8 weeks of age, give your puppy 10% of his body weight, decrease to 5% at 6 months of age and 3% at 12 months of age

However, it is not required to follow a fixed rule, as the amount of food depends on the dog's appertize and weight. If your dog likes to eat and eat a lot, feed him more if he is too thin. If the dog doesn't eat much but the dog is fat, you don't need to force it. Because just like us, some people absorb well, just drinking water or eat 1 spoon of rice can already get fat, some people eat as much as they can but they are still skinny. You just need to monitor and adjust accordingly.


You know that internal organs are important because they are full of nutrients that can not found in muscle meat. But do not rush, do it slowly and in very small amounts to at least 10% of the total serving (25% is better).

The liver and other organs can cause some uncomfortable loose stools in puppies that have never eaten the liver before because they are so nutritious. If you feed your puppy RAW and you see that the tool is getting soft (not liquid), keep feeding until the faeces have been firm before you start adding RAW liver and viscera to the diet. And when the liver is added, the stool will also turn soft again initially, then it will be normal soon. Eating RAW helps the dog stool be compact, extremely light-smelling and the dog does not emit many times a day.


Because, no matter what diet you choose for your puppy, all have advantages and risks; it depends on one factor: your dog's physical condition at the time of starting

Your most important task is to minimize the risks as much as possible. The main principles you must follow are the following:

Raw materials must be FRESH from selection to storage: if the material has been exposed for too long in an atmosphere outside the air and with unsure water, the bacteria are formed not from the materials its self but from the environment you accidentally created

Kill bacteria: Will you be surprised that fresh food you just bought from slaughterhouses or supermarkets actually carries a higher risk of infection than frozen foods? Surprised, right? But that's right, so Fresh meat after buying and preparing (grinding, chopping ..) finished you put in the freezer to preserve, freezing temperature will make bacteria weak and not even in time enters the pet's body. If you don't want to prepare, buy frozen and processed food packages from reputable and trusted vendors.

Safety and hygiene: From food to processing equipment and feeding utensils, make sure you wash them well before and after feeding and dry them for the next meal.


Always have clean, chlorine-free water available for your puppy to drink.

Puppies also need lots of fresh air and exercise. Exercise for puppies is not about going or running continuously for a period of time because they need exercise and rest and exercise.


You will find that many experienced dog owners love to help. Join a Raw Feeder-friendly group to exchange information, experiences and even RAW food if needed.

One day, you can help another pet parent realize that it is simple to follow the RAW Diet regime!

9. RELATED QUESTIONS: RAW and bloody food will make them aggressive and "bloodthirsty"

Absolutely not, actually this is proven to be the opposite and there are several reasons for this.

With the fresh meat mixture, all cheap cereal carbohydrates (providing high blood sugar) have been removed, chemicals (preservatives, flavorings, colorings, etc.) are not included.

RAW FOODS contain a lot of fresh complex vitamins (essential for the brain) and they have increased fresh protein in the diet, which will soothe dogs by releasing neuropathic dopamine.

And accountability for the safety of RAW food here,

RAW food, so far does not create the phenomenon of "bloodthirsty". The hunting dogs, shepherd dogs, watch dogs ... all have high intensity of activity and require persistent energy, so their diet MUST / REQUIRE RAW diet. RAW diet can only help the hunting dog be more sensitive to smell and taste, help them hunt for prey but if not ordered, they will never go for a kill. Their minds are clear enough to control behavior and discern situations. Like shepherd dogs and cattle herds, they never eat sheep or cattle. And the most striking is that they are easy to train and obey, they become more focused and easier to train.


This is a mandatory procedure regardless of which puppy's diet you are following. Because the worm is responsible for poisoning and killing your dog from the inside.

Worms, tapeworms not only from diet, what to eat or how to eat ... but worms are parasites that produce digestive system of dogs and cats.

Bowel diseases such as pravo, care are caused by viruses, not caused by eating, and are usually strong in the season..speed spread and disease duration are very fast so diet will help your pet Having a strong immune system, high resistance and lower the risk. But not so that forget the schedule of your immunization offline. Although getting vaccinated, there are still a possibility that they can get sick but if they are in good health, the risk will be reduced.

Your best friend deserves the correct diet. Get your free sample! Click Here

Natural is always better. For thousands of years nature has chosen Raw Food as the diet for ancestors of dogs and cats. But this does not mean that you have to hunt prey for your best buddies. Buddy Raw Pet Food for dogs and cats is a mix of meat, bones and organs designed to simulate what they eat in the wild. Know more

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