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Updated: Nov 15, 2020

There are misconceptions or myths about the RAW diet for Dogs & Cats. Even though those false concepts have been unraveled, it is not enough to convince people to change what they have heard and believed. All they need is CERTIFICATION; they need living proof to prove that what they know is wrong ...

Although we know that you can not be fully convinced, Buddy still needs to give the necessary information for the pet community to grasp, and whether or not you agree or not depends on your judgment and decision.

Because in the end, we all have the same goal that is to help our four-legged friends live a healthy, happy life and make long-term friends with us until the teeth fall out, the legs are trembling, is that right?

Buddy will gradually come up with information about ”MYTHS" as a series so that we can take over and process them slowly.

1. Myth 1:

Toys and small pets SHOULD NOT BE GIVEN ON THE RAW diet !?

This is completely false!

All dog breeds NEED a RAW diet, SPECIALLY for small dog and toy breeds (including dogs with a special respiratory system like PUG)


Because the structure of the teeth arrangement of small dogs overgrown in their jaws makes them more susceptible to severe periodontal disease than other large breeds (and this is common knowledge of veterinarians).

Their teeth fit neatly in a small jaw, leaving very little space between them and creating plenty of room for bacteria and plaque to multiply and grow. Periodontal disease can then develop very quickly, giving the harmful bacteria in the mouth immediate access to the rest of the animal's body.

Remember, periodontal disease not only causes bad breath, but periodontal disease can lead to damage to the whole body, especially important organs like the kidneys and heart. And the medical act of cleaning teeth will cause long-term damage to the health and longevity of the pet.

It is true that, over time, selective breeding has resulted in the small or even very small sizes of small breeds making oral hygiene increasingly urgent for these breeds.

But even the smaller size and the variety create a variety of forms such as dimension

long coat, color ... still does not change the physiological needs of the breed.

A little dog is still a carnivore and they have the teeth, anatomical and physiological structures to prove it.

Small dogs and toy dogs are perfectly acceptable on the complete RAW diet, as evidenced by the large number of owners of small dogs on a diet containing FRESH MEAT & BONE; even feeding with the whole prey

The key to keeping a small dog on a successful RAW diet is choosing the right size food. Just like you shouldn't give Rottweiler a chicken wing, don't give Papillon or Chihuahua giant beef ribs with the expectation that they will eat it all in one meal. Small dogs (and toy breeds) thrive on foods such as boneless chicken breasts, whole hens, whole quail, whole duck, rabbit, pork ribs, pork neck, lamb, meat cow, liver, heart and other organs. Including fish.

Just follow the basic rule of thumb when feeding young dogs and toy dogs Raw Meatbones (RAW) is to feed a serving larger than their head size!

A small dog does not need small food when switching to a RAW diet. Must stay away from the neck and wings; they are small and too easy for a small dog (even a toy dog!) to try to swallow whole, leading to vomiting or choking (a natural reaction, but really cause panicking for the master to witness ).

One of the adorable personality traits of many little dogs is that they think and act as if they are much larger than they really are.

This also applies to eating and drinking. A pint-sized Chihuahua will still think it is a giant wolf-like dog when it sees a bone that is intact. This behavior is ingrained in their instincts, and the desire to bite, tear, chew, swallow, and swallow (yes, emphasis is on swallowing and swallowing, especially if the dog has been previously fed commercial food) still very strong. So let's get rid of the chicken wings and necks; feed only if and ONLY IF, that wing or neck is attached to a half breast, half chicken or whole bird.

Another reason for eating oversized servings is for clean and healthy teeth, prevent unpleasant "bad breath" from developing and affecting internal organs. Those little dogs just chew, tear, and "floss" like big dogs.

In order to keep their teeth and gums healthy, small dogs need time to chew and bite their food small; the salivary glands are maximally stimulated to clean their teeth, and the meat acts like a rag to clean each tooth, bone helps this cleaning process take longer and also sharpens teeth, exercises the health of the jaw.

Don't give meat lumps or small bones, you think it will fit their mouths for them to chew, but that's not the case. If a bite is eaten, they will try to swallow it and cause choking or choking on the bone.

If you need to start with boneless meat initially to get your dog used to the taste and texture of RAW food, do it first. Once they have eaten a meat-filled meal that satisfies their cravings, now add more bones and let the dog sip on their own.

If your dog is a picky eater, pick up the bones with intact bones after 15 minutes and put them away for later. Re-feed the next feeding time or the next day.

A little tough love (if your dog currently has no health problems or special needs that require him to eat more than once a day) may be necessary to encourage them to use their teeth in the right way then well worth it!

Toy dogs and small dog can be fed in the same manner as other dogs.

Start by feeding about 2% of their adult body weight - 3% if the dog is active.

Keep track of your pet's weight closely; If they start to look a bit fat, cut back on food. If you start to look too thin, increase the amount of food.

Most dogs can eat one meal a day; unless your dog is for medical reasons to eat several times a day (or so small that he needs to eat often, or is still a puppy)

After going through the first phase of starting with a protein source (a type of meat), organ meats can next slowly begin.

Small dogs should have a varied diet like the big dogs. As your dog's diet breaks down into different sources of protein, you can start experimenting with different types of Raw meat bones to challenge them and give them good chewing practice. However, stay away from large, dense, and heavy bones like bovine bones, which can cause chipping of their teeth

Your best friend deserves the correct diet.

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Natural is always better.

For thousands of years nature has chosen Raw Food as the diet for ancestors of dogs and cats. But this does not mean that you have to hunt prey for your best buddies.

Buddy Raw Pet Food for dogs and cats is a mix of meat, bones and organs designed to simulate what they eat in the wild. Know more



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